Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Full On Training Day

Done as planned and did three training sessions of one hour each. This time I went to the Evolve gym at PoMo Mall as the class schedule suited me best. The gym there is a bit smaller but I really like the area. It's a bit more chilled with a Starbucks and an art cafe nearby and another nice mall with a really good coffee shop and wi-fi a short walk away.

First session was Muay Thai again. Instructors a bit quieter but nevertheless with keen eyes on any incorrect form. Very good. Some of the advanced students showed me how to properly do the low kick, which I thought I'd done pretty well already. Always good to learn how to do it better. Very nice chaps both.

Nice sunshine for my lunch break. But it almost feels like a hot iron on your skin, so I stayed in the shade, having some roast duck at the street market around the corner. Then went to bugis+ mall for coffee and wi-fi.

Light lunch: Roast duck and veg

Back at the gym it was time for another session of 10th planet jiu jitsu. Same drills as yesterday which helped a lot in getting those techniques drilled into my brain. Good fun and again very nice fellow students.

Headed to Albert Hawker Centre for early dinner. Like the Maxwell Road one, Albert is rather quiet, but googling the best Hawker food earlier, I found a fantastic app that lets you search for type of food by area and shows you user recommendations. The app suggested to have Lor Mee at Ma Bo's and since a nice lady mentioned that the Hawker would be closed for two months from tomorrow on, I had to give this a go!
Four mere dollars for a big bowl of this obviously famous dish and I have to say it was not only filling, but also very tasty! Some sort of brown gloopy sauce, a lot of fried fish, some spring onion and chilli. Sounds simple, but again it was all about the balanced taste. Great!

Albert Hawker Centre. Pork organ soup and chicken feet rice.

I rather had this lovely bowl of Lor Mee with fried fish
Back at the gym for 6:15pm and another round of Warrior Fit with Heath. Bodyweight and kettlebell exercises got me sweating like a pig again. This is good stuff!!! Did 30 pull ups all together, with a towel thrown over the bar and jumping up, but letting myself down slowly. I can't do a single proper pull up yet, but 30 half ones it not bad at all!!! Really proud of this and will keep training until I can finally do my first real pull up.

Finally really shattered I had a quick shower and dashed home, just in time before a thunderstorm hit. Good timing. Great day again and three sessions are definitely the way to go for me to feel propperly exhausted.
My watch tells me it's time to recover. Ohhhhhh-kay then.
Day off tomorrow for me. Want to do some sightseeing before another three days of three sessions each. MMA I hear ya calling! Not sure yet what to expect, but there's a session on each of the three days, so they have to be training days for me. But first some touristy stuff. Looking forward to it!!!

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