Wednesday 4 September 2013

Taking a ride

Two days off. Tomorrow and Friday. And the weather is going to be very nice and warm like propper late summer weather should be. Spending those days at home would be a waste of fortune so I decided quite spontaneously to take a long ride on my bicycle.
I normally only cycle to work and back which is like 6 km each. But I've done a 60km and 90km ride on two consecutive days last year so I know I can do more. This time I have 220km on the paper! Now that's for a challenge!

Since I own a roadbike I've always had issues with luggage. With just 8kg overall weight it's simply ridiculous to put say 10kg additional weight onto a rack. But carrying a backpack all day is not something I look forward to. I checked with a local bike store and ended up buying a smaller bag to be fastened onto my handlebar and still taking a small backpack with me. For the ideal setup I will get a lightweight rack that will only be fastened to the seat post and another small bag to put on it. That should rid me of the necessity to wear a backpack on a two day tour in the future.

Bags are packed and maps printed and loaded onto my GPS. As always nutrition is something I have to put some thought into since I avoid carbs. I bought a whole free range chicken, a battery of eggs and some vegetables and fruit. Hopefully that'll be enough to make up for the lost calories, hehe.

Stay tuned for some pictures and a map of my route tomorrow night.

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