Monday 14 October 2013

Cala Sisine... Not

The plan was to take the water taxi to Cala Sisine down south and walk all the way up to Cala Fuili to meet up with the group who did the canyon tour that I've already done last week.
Unfortunately I could only go as far as Cala Luna or wait another hour hoping that there were more people headed to Cala Sisine by then. Thought about it for a moment and decided to go to Cala Luna and just walk south. I had no hope of reaching Cala Sisine as it was a walk of like 3.5 hours... one way.
Arrived at Cala Luna beach at 10:30 and set off immediately.  I had downloaded an offline Sardinia map so my tablet could be used as simple gps device. Nice! They path wound its way higher and higher and soon I was drenched in sweat despite the rather cloudy sky.
After 50 minutes of constantly walking uphill I came across the sight I was here for. The very distinctive hole in a thin slice of rock called S' Arcadia. Very impressive. The thing is huge! And you can see the coast behind a little bit like a giant looking glas.
Kept on walking uphill. 2.5 hours. Phew. Loved it all the way. The view would've been fantastic but as soon as I had reached the 300m mark everything was wraped in grey clouds. With the grey rock and sparse green bushes I felt a little like being in Mordor, hehe. The highest point was 500+ metres. Eventually I turned back and arrived at Cala Luna beach shortly before 4pm. Had a coffee at the bar there, relaxed a bit on the beach and took the water taxi back to Cala Gonone. Got a package of beef burgers at one of the supermarkets, yeah!!! Meat tonight and tomorrow night!  I can go without it for a while, but with all those strenuous activities, I really feel that I need it.

Yesterday we went to another nice climbing spot with the most dangerous path leading to it. The last bit was a terribly steep ascend with lots of loose scree. Did some more lead climbing and accomplished a 5b without any major problems. Also did a 6a top rope. Wow. And I learned how to belay a lead climber. So I can now do some more sophisticated climbing indoors during the winter and look for a nice climbing partner in Bristol and as soon as spring hits I'll have some fantastic outdoor
places nearby to check out.

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